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  • Writer's pictureAnna Mezhina

How to promote your small business in 2022?

The uncertainty has been a killer for many.

Some businesses thrived, some struggled, and some shut down.

Your pack will find you and you will love running your business even more.

Anna Mezhina is standing in the State Library

My brain is a bit mushy this time of the year and moving between the creative and analytical is hard.

But I want to share with you a few points.

Your road map in marketing and SEO for 2022.

If you are local business:

- Use Google Business Profile as much (or even more) IG and FB channels for awareness.

- Be yourself! It’s so competitive. And Covid created extra segmentation. Don’t copy others, don’t please everyone. Your pack will find you and you will love running your business even more.

- Get yourself on google and apple maps, local directories.

- Go back to old but good marketing channel- printing material.

- Collaborate with local businesses that have the same audience.

- Update your website. Give detailed information about your services, products, work process, returns (if any). The FAQ page is a must. It will save your time “big time” and

time is one of the most significant costs for small businesses.

If you sell internationally:

- Tell your international audience throughout all marketing channels why they should buy from you (not local). Create “a myth” or show obvious benefits for them.

- Regularly update information for shipping and returns. Consider changing your shipping company (e.g., country’s post to a private carrier if time/cost matters)

- If you struggle with marketing, connect/become a member of your country fellows where your audience is. (e.g., selling made in Australia products? -join Australians in the USA group). They can become your advocates and always will support their “pack”.

- International SEO can be tough. Do your basic on-page-SEO with a local specialist/copywriter. There is nothing worse than auto-translation without localisation.

Create “a myth” or show obvious benefits for them.

It’s not easy, I know.

Pick one, tick the box, move to the next one.

I’m going to!

-update my own website - create new service packages (you will love it)

I’ll be watching the world with one eye shut, with a glass of wine in one hand, and spending time with boys (small and big).

So, if you need some help, shout out.

You know where to find me ;-)

Sending you hugs, because I hug my clients )



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